Pierre Corneille, Polyeucte

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Pierre Corneille’s five-act tragedy or martyr play, Polyeucte, was first performed during the winter season of 1641-42 at the Théâtre du Marais in Paris and was published by Antoine de Sommaville in 1643. The play dramatizes an Armenian noble, Polyeucte, who has recently married Pauline, the daughter of the Roman governor of the province, Félix. Polyeuxte cedes to the entreaties of his close friend Néarque in the first scene and resolves to seek baptism. Meanwhile, Pauline’s former suitor, Sévère, unexpectedly arrives in the region, a double surprise since he was presumed to be dead in battle after saving the life of the Emperor and has now become his favourite. …

3200 words

Citation: Scott, Paul. "Polyeucte". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 May 2022 [https://staging.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=2622, accessed 13 January 2025.]

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