Brereton, Jane

Joanna C. Yates (University of Keele)
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Jane Brereton was born in Wales, second daughter to Thomas Hughes of Bryn-Griffith near Mold in Flintshire and his wife Anne Jones: their first daughter Anne died at 14 years of age. Brereton’s father provided her with a good education but died in 1701 when she was just sixteen years old. She showed early literary talent and entertained herself and her immediate social circle with poetry: writing verse “was her chief Amusement; and all of her Acquaintances encouraged it by the Delight they took in whatever She composed” (Brereton, 1744, 10). In January 1711 she married Thomas Brereton, a Commoner of Brasenose College Oxford with similar literary aspirations, and they moved to London to pursue their literary careers. …

1639 words

Citation: Yates, Joanna C.. "Brereton, Jane". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 December 2021 [, accessed 08 September 2024.]

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