Articles edited by Nicholas Seager

Article Publication Date
Anne Dutton 2016-12-08
Arbuthnot, John. Annus Mirabilis 1722 2020-09-18
Arbuthnot, John. John Arbuthnot, Alexander Pope and Thomas Parnell: An Essay concerning the Origine of Sciences 1732 2022-10-06
Arbuthnot, John. The Art of Political Lying 1712 2021-04-19
Arbuthnot, John. The History of John Bull 1712 2020-09-16
Beckford, William. Vathek 1786 2018-09-06
Boswell, James. Journal of the Grand Tour 1763 2020-09-15
Boswell, James. London Journal, 1762-1763 1762 2020-09-16
Brereton, Jane 2021-12-17
Catherine Talbot 2017-10-28
Celia Fiennes 2022-10-06
Centlivre, Susannah. A Bold Stroke for a Wife 1718 2022-10-24
Charles Burney 2021-04-15
Cibber, Colley. The Refusal 1721 2019-09-16
Colley Cibber 2019-03-12
Congreve, William. Love For Love 1695 2017-12-08
Congreve, William. The Double Dealer 1694 2018-11-11
Congreve, William. The Old Bachelor 1693 2019-06-12
Curll, Edmund. Mr. Pope’s Literary Correspondence 1735 2020-10-07
Defoe, Daniel. A Plan of English Commerce 1728 2020-10-08
Defoe, Daniel. Atlas Maritimus & Commercialis 1728 2020-07-23
Defoe, Daniel. History of the Union of Great Britain 1709 2018-04-16
Defoe, Daniel. Jure Divino 1706 2021-04-20
Defoe, Daniel. Minutes of the Negotiations of Monsr. Mesnager 1717 2016-09-06
Defoe, Daniel. System of Magick 1726 2017-09-29
Defoe, Daniel. Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain 1724 2019-04-02
Eliza Haywood 2016-11-01
Elizabeth Rowe 2016-10-12
Equiano, Olaudah. Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself 1789 2017-10-26
Fielding, Henry. An Apology for the Life of Mrs Shamela Andrews 1741 2022-03-02
Fielding, Henry. The Author's Farce 1730 2021-04-26
Fielding, Henry. The Covent-Garden Journal 1752 2022-10-07
Fielding, Henry. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon 1755 2018-01-08
Fielding, Henry. The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great 1743 2018-10-02
Fielding, Henry. The True Patriot 1744 2022-10-13
Gay, John. Mr. Pope’s Welcome from Greece 1720 2020-10-14
Gay, John. The Mohocks 1712 2020-10-08
Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield 1766 2018-07-24
Handel, George Frideric. Acis and Galatea 1718 2021-04-20
Haywood, Eliza. Love in Excess, or, The Fatal Enquiry: A Novel 1719 2020-01-28
John Oldmixon 2020-07-27
John Philips 2021-04-16
Johnson, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language 1755 2018-07-02
Johnson, Samuel. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland 1775 2017-04-20
Johnson, Samuel. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia 1759 2018-02-15
Johnson, Samuel. The Vanity of Human Wishes 1749 2019-04-25
Johnson, Samuel. The Works of William Shakespeare 1765 2019-05-30
Joseph Addison 2016-10-12
Kitty Clive 2016-09-19
Lady Frances Norton 2016-10-13
Matthew Prior 2016-10-18
Maynwaring, Arthur 2021-04-22
Montagu, Mary Wortley. Turkish Embassy Letters 1763 2017-11-02
Olaudah Equiano 2000-10-28
Pope, Alexander. A Farewell to London. In the Year 1715 1715 2022-05-30
Pope, Alexander. Alexander Pope: The Universal Prayer 1738 2022-10-12
Pope, Alexander. Duke upon Duke: An Excellent New Ballad, To the Tune of Chevy Chase 1720 2022-03-08
Pope, Alexander. Epistle to a Young Lady, on her Leaving the Town after the Coronation 1717 2022-05-27
Pope, Alexander. Iliad 1715 2022-01-11
Pope, Alexander. Messiah 1712 2021-04-26
Pope, Alexander. Odyssey 1725 2022-02-16
Pope, Alexander. Pamphlets on Edmund Curll 1716 2020-10-15
Pope, Alexander. The Court Ballad 1717 2022-03-07
Pope, Alexander. The Discovery: or, The Squire turn’d Ferret 1726 2022-03-07
Pope, Alexander. The Temple of Fame: A Vision 1715 2022-05-30
Pope, Alexander. The Worms 1716 2020-10-14
Prior, Matthew. Alma: or, The Progress of the Mind 1718 2020-07-28
Prior, Matthew. Down-Hall, a Ballad 1723 2020-07-27
Prior, Matthew. The Viceroy, A Ballad 1715 2020-10-14
Reynolds, Joshua. Discourses on Art 1769 2021-05-08
Richard Savage 2016-06-20
Sarah Scott 2016-11-11
Sarah Trimmer 2016-11-03
Savage, Richard. An Author to be Lett 1729 2021-05-17
Scott, Sarah. A Description of Millenium Hall and the Country Adjacent 1762 2016-11-10
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. The School for Scandal 1777 2018-04-09
Sir Richard Steele 2017-04-21
Smollett, Tobias. Travels Through France and Italy 1766 2018-12-20
Stevens, John 2021-09-23
Swift, Jonathan. A Short Character of the Earl of Wharton 1710 2022-05-26
Swift, Jonathan. A Short Character of the Earl of Wharton 1710 2022-05-26
Swift, Jonathan. Bounce to Fop 1736 2022-05-26
Swift, Jonathan. Jonathan Swift: Correspondence 1690 2022-09-29
Swift, Jonathan. Polite Conversation 1738 2022-05-27
Swift, Jonathan. The Bubble: A Poem 1721 2021-05-14
Swift, Jonathan. The Virtues of Sid Hamet the Magician’s Rod 1710 2020-10-14
Swift, Jonathan. Upon the Horrid Plot Discovered by Harlequin the B[ishop] of R[ochester]’s French Dog 1723 2022-03-07
Talbot, Catherine. Catherine Talbot: Reflections on the Seven Days of the Week 1770 2017-09-25
Talbot, Catherine. Essays on Various Subjects 1772 2017-10-30
The Gentleman's Magazine 2017-12-08
Thomas Sheridan 2017-01-03
Warton, Thomas. The Grave of King Arthur 1777 2019-01-24
William Diaper 2020-09-11
William Stukeley 2021-05-04

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