Peter Longueville is known as the author of the successful robinsonade The hermit: or, the unparallel'd sufferings and surprising adventures of Mr. Philip Quarll, an Englishman: who was lately discovered by Mr. Dorrington ... upon an uninhabited island in the South-Sea, first published in 1727 and then successively in 1750, 1759, 1768, 1780, 1786, 1790, 1792, 1795, 1797, 1807, 1816, 1823, 1840, 1869, 1870, a publishing history which indicates considerable and consistent readers' interest. We would be very interested to hear from any scholars who can illuminate his life.
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Citation: Clark, Robert. "Peter Longueville". The Literary Encyclopedia. [, accessed 23 November 2024.]