Medieval Romance

General bookshelf

Articles Year
Anonymous. Alliterative Morte Arthure 1400
Anonymous. Amis and Amiloun 1330
Anonymous. Athelston 1370
Anonymous. Bevis of Hampton 1300
Anonymous. Emaré 1400
Anonymous. Floris and Blancheflour 1200 - 1350
Anonymous. Gamelyn 1375
Anonymous. Lybeaus Desconus 1300 - 1400
Anonymous. Melusine (Middle English versions) 1500
Anonymous. Octavian 1350
Anonymous. Sir Amadace 1450
Anonymous. Sir Cleges 1400
Anonymous. Sir Degare 1350
Anonymous. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1375
Anonymous. Sir Gowther 1400
Anonymous. Sir Isumbras 1300 - 1320
Anonymous. Sir Launfal 1375
Anonymous. Sir Orfeo 1310
Anonymous. Sir Owain 1330
Anonymous. The Awntyrs off Arthure 1400
Anonymous. The Old English Apollonius of Tyre 1000
Anonymous. The Weddyng of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell 1450
Boron, Robert. Estoire de Merlin 1235
Robert de Boron 1190 - 1230
Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quijote 1605 - 1615
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Franklin's Tale 1387
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troilus and Criseyde 1385
Chretien de Troyes 1150 - 1185
Chretien de Troyes. Erec et Enide 1170
Chretien de Troyes. Lancelot, ou le Chevalier de la Charrette 1177 - 1181
Chretien de Troyes. Perceval 1181
Chretien de Troyes. Yvain 1177 - 1181
Cornuälle, Heldris. Le Roman de silence 1220
Courtly Love [Amour courtois] 1100 - 1300
Eleanor of Aquitaine (Queen) 1140 - 1204
English Arthurian Literature
French Arthurian Romance 1150 - 1450
German Courtly Romance 1170 - 1314
Lancelot (Launcelot) 1180
Malory, Thomas. Le Morte D'Arthur 1470 - 1485
Marie de France. Lai La Fresne 1160 - 1215
Marie de France 1160 - 1199
Rothelande, Hue. Ipomedon 1180 - 1190
Strassburg, Gottfried Von. Tristan 1210
Tristan and Isolde (also known as Tristan and Iseult, Tristan and Isolt, Tristram) 1150 - 1230

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