The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is a novel that follows sixteen-year-old Starr Carter as she learns to navigate two starkly different communities: her predominantly Black neighborhood of Garden Heights, and her private school community, where she is one of only two Black students on campus. As the story begins, Starr is riding in the car with her friend Khalil when he is shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop. Kahlil was seventeen years old and unarmed. Thomas presents a story that is familiar and relatable for anyone who lives in America. The Hate U Give explores the impact of gang activity, gun violence, and police brutality on Starr’s community. It encapsulates over 400 years of brutality …
1936 words
Citation: Ivery, Kendra. "The Hate U Give". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 December 2022 [, accessed 10 December 2024.]