Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Les Précieuses ridicules [The Affected Young Ladies]

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Les Précieuses ridicules premiered on 18 November 1659 at Molière’s theatre in the Petit-Bourbon palace in Paris. It was presented as an afterpiece to Pierre Corneille’s 1642 tragedy Cinna. This one-act farce in prose has importance in Molière’s oeuvre far more than its categorization as one of his petites pièces [minor plays] would suggest. No mere farce, it is a complex combination of farce, Italian comedy and social satire—an amalgam that became a defining feature of Molière’s work. It was his first significant success as a playwright and precipitated his career as a published author. Criticism of the play presaged battles that would r…

3205 words

Citation: Leon, Mechele. "Les Précieuses ridicules". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 January 2017 [, accessed 13 January 2025.]

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