Critique et verité, translated into English as Criticism and Truth (trans. Katrine Pilcher Keuneman, intro. Philip Thody, London: The Athlone Press, 1987), is Barthes's response to Raymond Picard's Nouvelle critique ou nouvelle imposture (Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1965). Picard's text, translated as New Criticism or New Fraud? (trans. Frank Towne, Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1969), is a critique of Barthes's Sur Racine (Paris: Seuil, 1963) and Essais critiques (Paris: Seuil, 1964). The critical dispute between Barthes and Picard, which attracted responses from many other academics and commentators, drew attention to Barthes outside of France. Certainly, the “Quarrel” or �…
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Citation: Allen, Graham. "Critique et verité". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 September 2002 [, accessed 04 December 2024.]