Helen Oyeyemi

Brenda Cooper (University of Cape Town)
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Helen Oyeyemi was born in Nigeria in 1984 and raised in England, to which her Nigerian parents migrated when she was four. This makes her part of the so-called new Diaspora – those many families from Africa, and other former colonies, who share the global mobility of the late twentieth and twenty first centuries and have relocated to Europe and North America. She has published two novels, The Icarus Girl (2005) and The Opposite House (2007), the first when she was only twenty. She has also published a volume of two plays under the title Juniper’s Whitening (2006). She suffered from depression at school and has been described as “the Nigerian-born girl from the South London council estate who turned to h…

2296 words

Citation: Cooper, Brenda. "Helen Oyeyemi". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 October 2008 [https://staging.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5883, accessed 01 December 2024.]

5883 Helen Oyeyemi 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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