David Antin’s poems defy easy classification. His texts, philosophical inquiries and meditations on various subjects such as science, art, poetics, language, medicine, politics, society, or cultural issues, blended with stories and situations taken from everyday life, but also with autobiographical details, usually emerge from improvisatory talks which Antin creates in front of a live audience. His famous statement
if robert lowell is a
poet i dont want to be a poet if robert frost was a
poet i dont want to be a poet if socrates was a poet
ill consider it (talking at the boundaries, 1)
suggests that his work is …
3421 words
Citation: von Finck, Diana. "David Antin". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 13 May 2009 [https://staging.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=12315, accessed 10 February 2025.]