Mário de Andrade was one of the most prominent writers in 20th century Brazil. An accomplished poet, novelist and short-story writer, a prolific letter writer, as well as a discerning literary and art critic, musicologist, folklorist and ethnographer, Andrade was instrumental in the success of the Week of Modern Art (Semana de Arte Moderna) that took place in São Paulo in 1922 and that has come to mark the independence of Brazilian literature and art from its European models. Moving through different literary styles throughout his life, Andrade begins his writing career as a Parnassian poet, following the coordinates of late 19th-century Brazilian verse. However, he soon distances himself …
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Citation: Vieira, Patricia. "Mário de Andrade". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 18 April 2008 [https://staging.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=11975, accessed 08 February 2025.]