Betty Friedan

Melissa Dearey (Lincoln University)
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Born on 4 February, 1941 in Peoria Illinois, Bettye Naomi Goldstein (the then briefly fashionable affectation of the extra ā€˜eā€™ being later dropped), Betty was the first of three children (including sister Amy and lastly brother Harry Junior) of mother Miriam (nee Horwitz) and father Harry. As she details in her memoir Life So Far: A Memoir (2000), her parents were both Jews of eastern European extraction, her mother the daughter of a one time rabbinical student who had emigrated to the United States from Hungary to escape the pogroms, later becoming an army doctor. Miriam was the second wife of the widowed Harry, a much older businessman who was himself an immigrant to the United States, having also left Hungary to escape ā€¦

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Citation: Dearey, Melissa. "Betty Friedan". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 24 November 2008 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

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