Louise Cilliers
Louise Cilliers was for many years head of the Dept. of Latin and then of Classical Languages at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, and is at present, besides still teaching on a part-time basis, an Honorary Research Fellow of that university. She regularly reads papers at international conferences, and was for many years the editor of the national journal, Acta Classica. Her main interest is the texts of the 4th/5th century AD North African medical writers, on which she has published various articles, as well as a critical edition with commentary and translation of Vindicianus. As second research project is that on Ancient Medicine with a colleague, François Retief, which has up to date produced some 70 odd articles in accredited and international journals, and for which they were awarded the Stals Prize for Interdisciplinary Teamwork by the South African Academy of Arts and Science.