Michele Katherine Rackham Hall
Michèle Rackham Hall completed her doctorate in the English department at McGill University, Montreal, with a research on the biographical and social connections between Canadian Modernist visual artists and poets and the aesthetic relationships between their visual art and poetry. She is a docent at the National Gallery of Canada and a professor of Communications at Algonquin College's Career and Academic Access Centre in Ottawa. Recently, she was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral fellowship to edit a digital catalogue raisonné with print volume of the work of P.K. Irwin (also known as P.K. Page). She has published an article on gender and videogames in Boy Culture: an Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO/Greenwood 2010), and has an article on Gwethalyn Graham's novel Earth and High Heaven forthcoming in English Studies in Canada .