First published in New England Magazine in January 1892, and reprinted by Small, Maynard, & Co. as a chapbook (1899), The Yellow Wall-Paper is Charlotte Perkins Gilman's most famous work. Depicting the nervous breakdown of a young wife and mother, the story is a potent example of psychological realism. Based loosely on Gilman's own experiences in undergoing the rest cure for neurasthenia, The Yellow Wall-Paper documents the psychological torment of her fictional first-person narrator. The narrator's husband, John, a physician, prescribes isolation and inactivity as treatment for her illness, a “temporary nervous depression-a slight hysterical tendency.” John forbids his wife to engage in work of any kind, …
451 words
Citation: Knight, Denise. "The Yellow Wall-paper". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 January 2001 [, accessed 08 February 2025.]