Mario Vargas Llosa, La tia Julia y el escribidor [Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter]

Roberto Rodriguez-Saona (University of Leeds)
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La tía Julia y el escribidor [Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter],the most autobiographical of Mario Vargas Llosa’s novels, was published in 1977. It generated controversy among critics because it was a further departure from his earlier work characterised by serious, complex and dense stories. La tía Julia y el escribidor included humour, melodrama and popular culture. The controversy had started five years previously with the publication of his novel Pantaleón y las visitadoras [Captain Pantoja and the Special Service] (1972), in which Vargas Llosa included humour for the first time, after having declared years earlier that humour had no place in his literature (Forgues 1983: 67).

Marito, the main …

2237 words

Citation: Rodriguez-Saona, Roberto. "La tia Julia y el escribidor". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 24 July 2012 [, accessed 08 February 2025.]

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