Anna Seghers, Karibische Geschichten [Caribbean Stories]

Marike Janzen (University of Kansas)
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Anna Seghers’ Karibische Geschichten [Caribbean Stories, 1949] comprise three historical novellas about slave uprisings in the Caribbean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: “Die Hochzeit von Haiti” [“The Wedding in Haiti”], “Wiedereinführung der Sklaverei in Guadeloupe” [“Reinstatement of Slavery in Guadeloupe”] and “Das Licht auf dem Galgen” [“The Light on the Gallows”]. Written in the 1940s and 1950s, the stories offer a chronological picture of the relationship between the French Revolution and struggles over slavery in the Caribbean. Seghers draws on historical figures and events in H…

1656 words

Citation: Janzen, Marike. "Karibische Geschichten". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 January 2007 [, accessed 21 September 2024.]

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